
Empowering Businesses through Expert IT Consulting Services

IT Strategy Development

We assist businesses in developing comprehensive IT strategies aligned with their overall goals and objectives. Our expertise in software engineering and web development enables us to create tailored roadmaps to enhance operational efficiency and drive growth.

Technology Assessment and Planning

Our team conducts thorough assessments of your existing technology infrastructure and provides strategic recommendations for improvement. We help you identify opportunities to optimize your IT systems, streamline processes, and adopt emerging technologies.

Digital Transformation

With our in-depth understanding of software engineering and web development, we guide businesses through successful digital transformations. We help you leverage innovative technologies to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and achieve competitive advantages.

Software Architecture and Design

Our experienced consultants excel in designing robust software architectures that support scalability, security, and performance. We assist you in developing efficient and scalable software solutions, aligning them with your business needs and technical requirements.

Web Development Consultation

We provide expert guidance and consultation on web development projects. From selecting the right technology stack to ensuring optimal user experience and performance, our consultants bring their expertise to help you achieve your web development goals.

IT Project Management

Our skilled project managers ensure the successful execution of IT projects, from inception to completion. We effectively manage resources, timelines, and budgets, ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within budget, while meeting your business objectives.

How we work

Our Process

01. Discovery

A project's starts with project discovery, it includes various preparation steps: concept, strategy, prototyping. This approach supercharges the further process steps as well as clarity and alignment of the expectations.

With having a strong concept and clear requirements, we execute the development phase. During this phase we bring the project live, by writing code, creating design or deploying the project to the servers. Our clients have frequent updates and are able to see the progress frequently and effortlessly.

02. Development

03. Quality-Assurance

Quality and attention to detail are topics which are seamlessly built in our process. We define and execute various tests throughout the whole process. From smallest parts of the code, which powers website and till very last acceptance testing together with the client.

Projects we built, are built to last with future growth in mind. Collaboration continues after successfull project release and we are aiming to support our clients with future needs are requirements.

04. Growth

How we do it?

How we execute? By having vast variety of related skills and competences.

Our experiense allows us to pick the best set of tools and go for the best solution available. This allows us to always move forward and solve customer problems faster and cheaper. The following list contains (but not limited to) tools and approaches we use during development.


  • Javascript ES6/ReactJS
  • CSS + SCSS
  • Mobile First Design
  • SEO-Friendly
  • Usability Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Performance Optimisation


  • PHP
  • Golang
  • JVM - Java/Kotlin
  • SQL - MySQL/PostgreSQL
  • Elasticsearch
  • Cloud Services
  • Continious Delivery